Check out this amazing write up of Pizza Klatch, but one of our OHS PK students for their school paper online (read the full article here):
“Kira Wildman, senior at OHS, has been attending Pizza Klatch ever since they were a sophomore and they only speak highly about it. “It’s the only place I know that is judge free and provides resources for anyone that walks in regardless of what their gender or sexuality is.” They talk about how everyone in the group can have an equal turn, sharing preferred names, pronouns, and how their week is going. But anyone can simply pass on and hear from others instead. “You don’t have to share anything you are not comfortable talking about.” One of the goals Wildman would like to see happen is the Klatches themselves being integrated into middle schools as well as high schools, seeing how it could greatly benefit the students there as well…”
“More Than Comfort Food,” by Jillian Johnson, The Olympus
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