Your donation helps save lives.
With klatch attendance growing and the need for LGBTQ+ inclusivity and competence training programs such as Pizza Klatch provides ever increasing, our small group of Pizza Klatch staff, including just 10-15 dedicated volunteers and three staff members, are committed to keep our much needed organization going for generations to come. As resilient as we are and as strengthened as we’ve become thanks to the support of our community, we could always use your help! With your generous donation, Pizza Klatch can more quickly work towards our goals to to hire additional facilitators/advocates, and even eventually extend our programming beyond Thurston County!

- $8000 Supports all klatches at one school for an entire school year
- $5000 Supports one weekly klatch for 6 months of one school year
- $1700 Pays training costs for facilitators at all klatches for 1 school year
- $800 Pays for 1 month of klatches, pizza costs and resources at 1 school
- $500 Pays for a suicide prevention training for one facilitator
- $400 Pays for 2 weeks of klatches, pizza costs and resources at 1 school
- $100 Pays for training costs for one facilitator at one school for 1 year
- $65 Serves pizza to one klatch for one week
- $50 Supports training supplies for one facilitator
- $20 Serves pizza to 5 youth
- $15 Supports the stipend of a volunteer facilitator for one week
Interested in sponsoring an individual klatch? Check out our KLATCH SPONSORSHIP PAGE!

To donate online, you can click on the donate link above. To donate by phone, text PIZZAPOWER to 91999. Thank you for supporting Pizza Klatch and the LGBTQ+ youth of Thurston County!
State workers can support Pizza Klatch though the
COMBINED FUND DRIVE. Our Combined Fund Drive charity code is #1481250.
If you are donating by check, please make it out to Pizza Klatch and send it to:
PO Box 7384
Olympia, WA 98507
All donations to Pizza Klatch a registered 501(C)3, EIN 45-5534793, are tax-deductible.